With a few clicks, you can link your .realtor™ domain to your realtor.com® profile. This option is free and allows you to quickly establish a presence on the web, build your brand online, connect with customers, and close more business.
Note: This option is only available for members of NAR with a .realtor™ domain name. If you are a new NAR member, it can take up to 7 days for realtor.com to update with your information.
Start by logging in to your https://get.realtor account. If you haven't created an account on get.realtor you can follow our How to Sign Up and Claim Your Domain guide.
After logging in, navigate to My Domains.
Find the .realtor™ domain you want to link to your realtor.com® profile in the domain list and click Manage Domain.
On the next screen, click the Manage Website Setup button.
Find the Use your free realtor.com® profile website option and click Select.
The popup will ask you to confirm that you want to link your domain to your realtor.com® profile. Click Confirm to link your domain to your profile.
Your domain is now linked to your realtor.com® profile page!
Now you'll want to head over to realtor.com® to claim your realtor.com profile and use realtor.com®'s tools to power up your realtor.com profile.
If you need assistance with managing your realtor.com® profile page, you can check out their help center.